A Little Triumph

Grab a beverage of your choice, it's time for episode 8 of living inside Sarah's head!


I've been a bit lacking in episodes recently, or maybe I haven't and it just feels like I have... who knows?!


I am beyond tired at the moment and it's currently 12:48am, but I think I need to write to help me to settle. So here goes.


This is a story of triumph. Which is nice. Because it's not often I recognise my own triumphs, so let's take that as a win.


So I finished work at 6:30 rather than 7:30 tonight which meant I could get to dancing at the beginning rather than rocking up whatever time I do.


Well... so I thought. Sainsbury's petrol station had other ideas.


Inevitably I did not leave the house as early as I planned, but I was still on track for arriving on time. The benefit of this is, not only do I get to dance more, I get to lead in the class. Which I love. In freestyle I like a mixture of lead and follow, but I do prefer to lead in the class. Anyway. I was on track. Go me!


Because I was on track and I was heading to dancing, the mini-Sarah's were having a friend little chat and not bothering me. Which while that's nice for me, takes some of the interest out of my story telling. But we can't have everything can we?!


Anyway. I was on track. I've said on track too many times now, it sounds weird. Where was I... oh yes... yay for me!


And then the dreaded petrol light pinged. I can tell you from experience that there are almost no petrol stations on the 45 minute drive. How do I know, I hear you ask... I shall tell you.


45 minutes it's not a huge amount of time in the great scheme of things. At home, or anywhere else for the matter, I don't have to pee every 45 minutes. So can someone please explain the weird magic that happens on the 45 minute drive to dancing EVERY SINGLE WEEK. I arrive desperate for a pee. Why?! I do not understand. But that's how I know the lacking of petrol stations... but there is a lack of pee stations.


I did however see a sign for a supermarket. Perfect. I can get petrol. Petrol got. We're all good.


Now comes the fun bit.


The exit to the petrol station was not clear. At all. So I just rolled with what I thought was th exit. Turns out it was. So that's fine. And I need to get back to where I was. I've turned right into the petrol station, so it stands to reason I should turn left back out. No Sarah. That is not how duel carriageways work. I do though. I turn left. There's two lanes. One with cars in. One empty. I turn. Into the empty lane. Which was the right side of the road, so at least that's something.


That's when I realise... the lane I'm currently in... is the lane I was in when I turned into the petrol station. This can't be right. I'm driving, or starting to drive, the wrong way along the road. I have never done this before. Ever. What happened?! Luckily I had only just pulled out, so I was able to reverse back and go the right way.


And onto the duel carriageway. But I'm on the wrong side of it. I'm going away from dancing. This is not ideal. By any stretch of the imagination.


I was going to add in here was I was having a singalong to... but I can't for the life of me remember what I was listening to. Which is really annoying.


I arrive at dancing. Rush to the loo. Because of the weird magic. And pay.


I ask how long ago the lesson started and apparently only just. So I walk in and put my shoes on. Let's just recap that. I just walked in. Just walked in the door. Like anyone else would do. Just walked right through the door. And put my shoes on. I didn't even realise I wasn't anxious.


I've been told there are too many ladies, which is perfect, because it's a good excuse to lead, which is what I wanted to do.


Well I've walked in... did I mention that? Put my shoes on. And make a beeline for the spare lady, which happens to be the front. I've decided I'm just going to take her hand and join the class.


But then the teacher asks me if I'll lead. Even better. We're away. It's my space. I'm leading. I know what I'm doing. I'm okay. Like actually okay.


I won't bore you with the rest of the details of the evening. But that was my triumphant moment.


And you know what's more... I hasn't even realised what I'd done until Anna mentioned it to be at the end of the evening.


So yay for me.


Find The Magic


I’m Not My Anxiety