Brain Unscrambling

Turn your chaotic thoughts into a manageable list.

Co-Working Done Differently

More than just a desk space… the opportunity to turn overwhelmingness into accomplishment.

The Quirky Community

Business Networking done the neuro-quirky way!

Guest Guru

Come along and listen to the wise words of others as our Guest Guru shares their expertise.

Brain Unscrambling

Monday | Weekly | 12:00pm - 12:30pm | Online

If you like the idea of having a plan for the week, but struggle to turn your chaotic thoughts into an actual list, then Brain Unscrambling is for you! Get your working week off to a flying start. Commit to spending just 30 minutes unscrambling your mind, organise your thoughts and create a sense of calm.

Option One

Send me an unfiltered monologue of thoughts and ideas for the week.

I will send you a list of tasks, with the option of having these categorised.

Option Two

Jump onto a group zoom and tell me what you’re thinking for this week.

I will help you organise these thoughts into manageable chunks.

Option Three

Use a breakout room on zoom to speak to me 0ne-to-one for five minutes.

I will help clarify your priorities for the week.

Co-Working Done Differently

Thursday | Weekly | 12:30pm - 2:30pm | Teignmouth

Co-working Done Differently provides both the guidance to organise your mind and create actionable plans, and the time to actually action those actionable plans! More than just a desk space… the opportunity to turn overwhelmingness into accomplishment.

1 - What’s the plan for today?

What do you want to achieve and what’s the barrier to this achievement? Let’s put a plan in place.

2 - Time to work!

Headphones on. Loops in. This is time to implement that well thought-out plan… Or ride the wave and see what happens!

3 - Optional check in.

If wanted / needed, they’ll be a chance to touch base. How are things going? Do we need to change the plan to help re-focus?

4 - A little more focus…

Keep going… we’re nearly there…

5 - What’s today’s win?

Every win counts. From crossing off the one thing on your to-do list that you’ve been avoiding, to colour co-ordinating your diary.

The Quirky Community

Friday | 6-weekly | 9:30am - 10:30am | Teignmouth

Business Networking done the neuro-quirky way! Less of the awkward small talk, confusing social ques and unwritten social etiquette. More direct questions, honest answers and unapologetic unmasking. Join a group of weird and wonderful business owners, as we grab a cuppa & cake and discuss the highs and lows of running a business the neuro-quirky way.

Guest Guru

Friday | 6-weekly | 9:30am - 10:30am | Teignmouth

Come along and listen to the wise words of others as our guest guru shares their expertise.